(Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani & Dr. Imran Khan)
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (خديجة بنت خويلد) was a prudent and forbearing woman. She was of the noblest descent, highest in dignity and the wealthiest of the Quraysh. She was born around 15 years before Aam-ul-Feel (Year of the Elephant) in Makkah. 1 Her father, Khuwaylid was a famous business man who had died before Harb Al-Fujjar (Sacrilegious War). 2 Her family was considered more prestigious and honorable than other families of the locality.
Khadija was the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad ibn Abd Al-Uzza ibn Qusai ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b ibn Lu’ayy ibn Ghalib ibn Fahr. Her mother was Fatima, daughter of Za'ida ibn Al-Asamm ibn Rawaha ibn Hajar ibn Abd ibn Ma'is ibn Amir ibn Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr. 3
Khadija was initially married to Ateeq ibn Aabid ibn Abdullah Makhzoomi, and after his death, she was married to Abu Halah ibn Zirarah Tamimi. 4 She had a son named Hind ibn Abi Halah from him. Hind ibn Abi Halah was brought up by the Holy
From Ateeq ibn Aabid Makhzoomi, Khadija had a daughter and she got famous with the title of Umm-e-Hind. 6 When her second husband died, she was sent various proposals for marriage by the elite members and famous personalities of the tribe. However, she refused them all due to personal reasons. 7
Khadija was one of those women who was famous for her lineage, honor, dignity, character, wealth, kindness, generosity and business. 8 Although she was born and raised in a society which was plagued by
According to historians, Khadija inherited a great fortune from her parents and husbands, which she invested in many businesses. Since she could not travel with the trade caravans, she would invest in many business ventures as a sleeping partner. 11 At that time, Yemen and Syria were the major trading centers for the Arabs, thus, their trade caravans would go towards Syria during summers, and towards Yemen in winters. 12
Many accurate and inaccurate narrations regarding the events of Khadija's wedding with
عن نفيسة بنت منية قالت: ... فأرسلتني دسيسا إلى محمد بعد أن رجع في عيرها من الشام. فقلت: يا محمد ما يمنعك أن تزوج؟ فقال: ما بيدي ما أتزوج به. قلت: فإن كفيت ذلك ودعيت إلى الجمال والمال والشرف والكفاءة ألا تجيب؟ قال: فمن هي؟ قلت: خديجة. قال: وكيف لي بذلك؟ قالت قلت: علي. قال: فأنا أفعل. فذهبت فأخبرتھا. فأرسلت إليه أن ائت لساعة كذا وكذا… 13
Nafisah bint Munyah narrates… Khadijah secretly sent me to Muhammad when he returned after his business trip from Syria. I (Nafisa) said: O Muhammad ! What stops you from marriage? He said: I do not have any means to marry. I (Nafisa) said: If you get enough means, and you get a proposal from (a lady of) beauty, wealth, dignity and equal status, will you accept? He inquired: who is she? She replied: Khadijah . He asked: How will it be possible? I said: I shall arrange that. He said: I agree. So, she went and informed her (Khadijah).
Other reliable accounts state that this was not the first business trip or the first occupation of
Furthermore, Ibn Hisham states that when the Holy
Another false account states that Khadija made her father drunk and tricked him in accepting her marriage with the Holy
…ذكر خديجة، وكان أبوها يرغب أن يزوجه، فصنعت طعاما وشرابا، فدعت أباها ونفرا من قريش، فطعموا وشربوا حتى ثملوا، فقالت خديجة لأبيھا: إن محمد بن عبد الله يخطبني، فزوجني إياه. فزوجها إياه فخلعته وألبسته حلة، وكذلك كانوا يفعلون بالآباء، فلما سري عنه سكره، نظر فإذا هو مخلق وعليه حلة، فقال: ما شأني، ما هذا؟ قالت: زوجتني محمد بن عبد الله. قال: أنا أزوج يتيم أبي طالب لا، لعمري. فقالت خديجة: أما تستحي تريد أن تسفه نفسك عند قريش؟ تخبر الناس أنك كنت سكران؟ فلم تزل به حتى رضي. 19
The Holy Prophet mentioned Khadija and said that her father was not willing to let her daughter marry Prophet Muhammad . Hence, Khadija arranged a banquet and invited some of the elite people of the Quraysh. They (including her father) all ate and drank until they became extremely intoxicated. At that moment, Khadija told her father that Prophet Muhammad had sent a proposal for marriage so (she requested him to) please marry her to him. Her father agreed to marry her to the Holy Prophet so Khadija had him (her father) dressed in special clothes (according to Arabic customs). When the marriage was conducted and her father came to his senses, he looked at his clothes and asked: what has happened? Why am I dressed like this? His daughter told him that you have married me to Prophet Muhammad . He said how can I marry you to an orphan of Abu Talib? I swear this can never happen. On this, Khadija said that if you say such things, won’t you be ashamed in front of the people of Quraysh? She kept on convincing him until he agreed.
Regarding this account, Ahmed ibn Hanbal states that the chain of narrators of this hadith is extremely weak. 20 The same view is held by Bayhaqi as well. 21 Ibn Saad adds that the whole narration appears to be false and wrong. The approved version is that Khadijah's father had died before, in the Battle of Al-Fujjar and that Amr ibn Asad had given Khadijah into marriage with Holy
Being a wife, Khadijah was also a friend to her husband, the sharer of his inclinations and ideals, to a remarkable degree. Their marriage was wondrously blessed, and fraught with great happiness, though not without sorrows of bereavement. 23 She was the mother of all the children of the Holy
Khadijah passed away in the same year as Abu Talib, 25 around 3 years before Hijrah (the migration) at the age of 65, 26 and was buried in Jannat ul Muallah in Makkah.