(Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)
On the 12th of Safar 2 A.H., 1 the Holy
When the Muslims were residing in Makkah, they were severely persecuted by the
After the migration of the Holy
أُذِنَ لِلَّذِينَ يُقَاتَلُونَ بِأَنَّهُمْ ظُلِمُوا ۚ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ نَصْرِهِمْ لَقَدِيرٌ 39 11
Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them.
This is the first verse that was revealed about fighting the non-believers of Makkah. 12 After the revelation of this verse, other verses were revealed which further explained the concept and duties of Jihad (holy war) for the Muslims. 13 Thus, in order to tame the polytheists of Quraysh, the Holy Prophet started sending armed missions for raiding the commercial caravans of the Quraysh. 14
The city of Makkah was a barren land and relied heavily on its trade activities for survival and economic stability. However, not everyone was allowed to trade with other nations. The rights of doing trade were completely reserved for the tribe of Quraysh. Hence, all the trade caravans that would leave Makkah for trade would be under the leadership and control of the Quraysh. 15 16 During the summer season, the Makkans would conduct trade with the people of Syria while in winters, they would conduct trade with the people of Yemen. 17 They were able to conduct these trade journeys safely as they were the inhabitants of Makkah, which was a holy city, thus no tribe dared to attack the dwellers of the inviolable city. 18 Thus, if these trade caravans of the Quraysh were attacked, the survival of the Makkans would be put at stake, which could lead the Quraysh into a defensive mode.
When the Muslim contingent reached Abwa, the Holy Prophet met Makshi ibn Amar (مخشی ابن عمرو), the leader of the Banu Dhamra tribe and signed an agreement of peace and alliance with him. 19 20 The contents of that agreement were as follows:
بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم، هذا الكتاب من محمد رسول اللّٰه لبني ضمرة بأنهم آمنون على أموالهم وأنفسهم، وأن لهم النصرة على من رامهم» أي قصدهم «ألا أن يحاربوا في دين اللّٰه، ما بل بحرصوفة» أي ما بقي فيه ما يبل الصوفة «وأن النبي صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم إذا دعاهم لنصره أجابوه عليهم، بذلك ذمة اللّٰه وذمة رسوله» أي أمانهما انتهى. 21
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. This is a letter from Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, to Banu Damra. (It states that:) The wealth and the lives of the Banu Damra tribe are safe (from the Muslims). They will be aided against those who intend (to harm) them. They will not go against the religion of Allah (i.e. Islam) as long as there is enough water left in the ocean to wet a piece of wool. And when the Prophet calls them to help the Muslims, they shall answer the call (positively). In exchange for that, they shall be under the protection of Allah and his Messenger.
The agreement was signed by Prophet Muhammad and the leader of the Banu Dhamra tribe. Different names have been mentioned for the leader of the Banu Dhamra tribe, such as: Majdi ibn Amar, Majshi ibn Amar 22 and thirdly Makhshi ibn Amar. However, Makhshi ibn Amar is mentioned in most of the authentic texts and many of the scholars have referred to this name. 23 24 25 26 After this agreement was inked between the Holy Prophet and the Banu Dhamra tribe, the Muslim army returned to Madinah.